How to Save Money for a House: 10 Useful Tips

couple at their new home

Saving money for a house is a significant financial goal that requires careful and intentional planning. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade to a new property, having a solid savings strategy can make all the difference.

From setting a budget and reducing expenses to increasing your sources of income, these tips will provide you with practical guidance to help you in your homeownership journey.

Speaking to a financial advisor and real estate professional might also be helpful as they can help you come up with a plan that is in line with your vision and current financial position.

Key Takeaways
  • Buying a house is a big investment that requires careful financial planning
  • Some tips for saving for a house include setting clear saving goals, creating a budget and tracking your expenses and automating your savings
  • Before you get started on buying a house, consider speaking to a financial advisor and real estate professional who can help you create a tailored savings plan that is in line with your financial goals

The contents of this article are for educational purposes only. They are not intended to be a source of professional financial advice. You will find experts on financial planning, financial management, and real estate here. More on disclaimers here.

10 Tips for Saving for a Home

Following these tips can enable you secure a home in faster than you expected.

Tip #1: Set a clear savings goal

In an ideal scenario, every home buyer would prefer to buy their house and pay for it in full. However, this is rarely the case because of how much houses cost.

For many people, raising a down payment and then making additional regular payments is the way to go. By having a clear goal and determining the exact dollar amount that you need to buy your dream home, you can create a tangible objective to work towards. With a clear savings goal in place, you can develop a strategic plan, track your progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure you stay on track to achieve your dream of owning a house.

If you decide to get a mortgage, consider things like:

  • How much money in total you want to spend on buying the house. Aside from the home's purchase price, you also have to factor in additional payments like closing costs and moving expenses.
  • Coming up with a down payment goal. Ideally, starting off the home buying process by paying a 20% down payment of the total home price is a good starting point. If you don't do this, you'll have to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI).
  • How you'll acquire or save up for the down payment of the house and in which savings account or money market account you'll put the funds in temporarily. If you can, put the money in an investment account that you can easily access and also where it can gain interest.
Tip #2: Create a budget and track your expenses

Creating a budget is a fundamental tip for saving money for a house. A budget allows you to track your income and expenses, identify areas where you can cut back and allocate funds towards your savings goal.

man tracking his expenses based on his budget

To create a budget that works, start by identifying your monthly take home pay and categorizing your expenses, including essential items like housing, utilities, transportation and groceries, as well as discretionary spending. Analyze your spending patterns and look for opportunities to reduce costs.

Consider making adjustments such as cooking at home instead of eating out, canceling unnecessary subscriptions or finding ways to save on utilities. Creating a budget and sticking to it, brings you one step closer to purchasing your dream home.

Tip #3: Increase your income

While cutting expenses is important, boosting your income can fasten your savings journey. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Explore additional job opportunities . Consider taking up a part-time job or freelancing to earn extra income. Look for opportunities that align with your skills and interests as these side gigs can provide a significant boost to your savings.
  • Upgrade your skills . Invest in developing new skills or improving existing ones that are in demand in the job market. This can lead to better job prospects and potentially higher-paying positions, allowing you to save more for your house.
  • Negotiate a raise or promotion at your workplace . If you have been with your current employer for a while and have consistently performed well, it might be time to have a conversation about a salary increase or promotion. Prepare a compelling case highlighting your contributions and the value you bring to the organization.
  • Start a small business or pursue entrepreneurship . Consider starting a small business that aligns with your passions and expertise. It could be an online store, consulting service or any other venture that has the potential to generate additional income.
  • Rent out a room or property . If you have extra space in your current home or a second property, consider renting it out to generate rental income. This can supplement your regular income and contribute directly to your savings.
Tip #4: Cut down on expenses and save the difference

In order for you to save more, you have to find ways to cut back on some of your spending.

lady reviewing her finances

By consciously reducing your spending and redirecting those funds towards your savings accounts, you can make significant progress towards your homeownership goal. Here's are a few hacks that can help you accomplish this:

  • Analyze your expenses . Review your bank statements and identify areas where you can make cuts. Look for discretionary expenses like dining out, entertainment or subscriptions that you can reduce or eliminate.
  • Prioritize your needs over wants . Differentiate between essential and non-essential expenses. Focus on fulfilling your needs first, such as housing, utilities and groceries, and minimizing non-essential purchases.
  • Create a frugal mindset . Embrace a frugal lifestyle by seeking out cost-effective alternatives and making conscious choices. Look for sales, use coupons and comparison shop to save money on everyday purchases.
  • Cut back on unnecessary spending . Challenge yourself to reduce expenses in various areas of your life. For example, bring homemade lunches to work instead of eating out, brew your coffee at home or use public transportation or carpooling to save on commuting costs.
  • Negotiate bills and subscriptions . Contact your service providers to negotiate lower rates on bills like cable, internet or insurance. Cancel or downgrade subscriptions that you don't fully utilize or need.
  • Avoid impulse purchases . Before making any non-essential purchase, give yourself a cooling-off period. Ask yourself if it's truly necessary and consider waiting a day or two to decide. Often, you'll find that the impulse to buy fades, saving you money in the process.
  • Set savings targets for each expense category . Allocate specific savings targets for different expense categories. For example, aim to reduce your dining out expenses by 50% or lower your monthly entertainment budget. Track your progress and celebrate each milestone achieved.
Tip #5 : Automate your savings

By setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to a dedicated down payment savings account, you establish consistency and discipline in your saving habits. Automating savings prioritizes your long-term goal, eliminates the risk of forgetting to save and allows your money to grow steadily over time.

By implementing this tip, you can make steady progress towards your house savings without relying on constant effort or decision-making.

Tip #6: Save a little less for retirement
woman saving for retirement home

While saving for a house is important, it is generally not advisable to sacrifice retirement savings to achieve this goal. Saving for retirement should remain a priority as it ensures financial security in your later years.

However, if you find yourself in a situation where saving for a house becomes an urgent need, you may consider temporarily adjusting your retirement contributions. This should be done cautiously and in consultation with a financial advisor to minimize the impact on your long-term financial well-being. Remember, finding a balance between saving for a house and saving for retirement is crucial to maintain a secure and comfortable future.

Tip #7: Minimize debt

By reducing your debt burden, you free up money that can be directed towards your savings goal. Paying off high-interest debts and improving your debt-to-income ratio not only increases your saving capacity but also improves your financial stability, putting you in a better position to achieve your dream of homeownership.

Tip #8: Save windfalls and bonuses

Whenever you receive unexpected extra cash or bonuses, resist the urge to splurge and instead set aside a significant portion for your house savings. By allocating these extra funds towards your savings goal, you can make substantial leaps forward in your savings progress.

Whether it's a tax refund, a work bonus or an inheritance, embracing the habit of saving windfalls can fasten your path to homeownership.

Tip #9: Consider downsizing and decluttering

By evaluating your current living situation and assessing your needs, you can determine if downsizing to a smaller and more affordable home is a viable option. Downsizing not only reduces housing costs but also lowers expenses related to maintenance, utilities and property taxes.

Additionally, decluttering your space allows you to sell unwanted items, earn extra income and potentially reduce moving costs. By embracing the concept of downsizing and decluttering, you can significantly boost your savings for a house and create a simpler, more efficient lifestyle in the process.

Tip # 10: Stay motivated and be patient

Saving for a house takes time and commitment. Keep yourself motivated by visualizing your future home and the benefits of homeownership. Celebrate milestones along the way, and remember that each small step brings you closer to your goal.

Remember, it's essential to adapt these tips to your individual circumstances and financial situation. Consider consulting with a financial advisor and real estate professional who can provide personalized advice and help you create a tailored savings plan.

Bay Street Capital Holdings

Bay Street Capital Holdings

Bay Street Capital Holdings is a Black-owned independent investment advisory, wealth management, and financial planning firm headquartered in Palo Alto, CA.

Founded by William Huston after 13 years of supporting the United States' largest retirement plan ($650B) Thrift Savings Plan, the firm manages portfolios with the goal of maintaining and increasing total assets and income with a high priority on managing total risk and volatility.

In 2021, William was recognized as Investopedia’s Top 100 Financial Advisors. In the same year, Bay Street was selected as a finalist out of over 900 firms across the US in the category of Asset Manager for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
